
no time to blog

I really truly thought I'd be more diligent with this blog. My apologies for taking so long for a second entry - but the girl takes up quite a bit of my time.

I also meant to go to an Ash Wednesday service last week but didn’t have time for that either. There is an American Orthodox church a block from our house that I’ve been curious about. I may have to crash one of their Lenten services in the next couple weeks and check ‘em out. By the way, Mike and I are still bitter about getting denied an Orthodox wedding, JUST BECAUSE WE ARE UNORTHODOX! I mean, come on.

Mike’s heading down to Wintergrass, the yearly bluegrass festival down in Tacoma, to teach a dobro workshop. I’m not going this year, but what’s more surprising, I don’t really care. Having to tote a baby around and breastfeed in public makes you reevaluate how important things are to you, like spending the day at the Tacoma Sheraton Hotel with a bunch of smelly hippies and cowboys. (THAT was for my brother, who can’t decide if I’m a hippy or a hick.) I’m hoping to get the house in shape and possibly go on a run. Oh yes, I’ve started running again. I’m up to 19 minutes, about half of what I used to go out for, but am confident I’ll get back into shape soon. There’s nothing like running in public that makes you kick yourself in the butt a little harder than you like.

For some Emmy news - she's finally laughing. It is hilarious and warms the cockles of our hearts so.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

she's so adorable!
good job on the running! you're already back in shape gf whether you admit it or not.