
must... keep... blogging...

I'd been thinking of coming back here for some time, though with a few different ideas about using this space. Blogger has changed a lot in the 10 months since my last post. Checking out the stats on visitors who land here via Google, I've learned there are quite a few people curious to see what Korean Mexican babies look like. Does anyone else think that is a little weird and a lot funny? So you've come for a looksie.

Well, I'm going to venture to say... Korean + Mexican, and maybe toss a little whitey (ok, Italian) in there like mine, and you've got a winning combo. But does that matter?! Of course not! All babies are precious, beautiful, and a wonder to behold. Period. So stop searching the web! Make your babies, and love them.

This also brings me to another point: I will not be posting many pictures of the kiddos any more. I hope you respect that and thanks for coming around.


Aimee said...

where are the pics??? I have half Mexican and half white (german and russian) girls and they are GORGEOUS. Excuse me if this is a tiny bit racist, but one of the reasons I have always been attracted to Mexican men is that latino children are the most beautiful children in the world. I wanted one!

Familia Komexiana said...

lol, you are so funny Aimee, but I hear ya! I read your link on moving to Mexico-very inspiring as is your Spanish fluency. When my husband and I first got together I had visions of the same, now I'm thinking that might be a real possibility.