
The Move Part One: Packing

We've decided to rent a storage crate, that's right, just one, to ship our things to the East Coast. We taped a corner of our living room to its dimensions and whatever doesn't fit in the 5x7x8 crate will not be coming with us. It's all about strategic tetrising, as my friend eurecatherine.blogspot.com would call it. I am grateful a childhood playing video games is paying off now.

See kids, video games are good for you!

This also means we get to do some big time shopping when we first arrive in Boston. New bed, new couch, new dining set, and lots of other fun purchases. Hooray!


Catherine said...

Don't pack that baby in the crate!!
How did that tetris-action go? where are you?
the thought of coming to Seattle and not seeing you is too sad for me to bear. Good luck with the move!

robyn said...

i wish you all super well.
it'd be great to hear from you when
ya get settled.