The situation at our house has made it such that laundry is of a low priority. Well, folding laundry that is. (Since the baby's been born our gas bill has nearly tripled - that's how much hot water we're using to keep the baby clean. Not that a pair of pants for a butt the size of a small grapefruit takes up so much space in the washing machine, but a couple dozen of them will. The kid must stay clothed and so the laundry must get done.)
So folding laundry, oh we laugh when we had such high standards. With parenthood Mike and I have learned to get by with what is essential. For instance, did you know that you can sleep quite well on a bed with two loads of clean whites between you and the wall? Not a problem!
About a month ago Mike was dressing the baby on the bed next to a pile (ok, a small mountain) of clean laundry. She was yelling because she hates to get dressed so he was trying to hurry. He got out a pair of socks and put one on when suddenly he couldn't find its companion. (Remember baby socks are only about a couple inches long by an inch wide -very easy to lose.) Luckily for him there was that whole pile of clean baby clothes next to the baby's head. This is when I walked in the room.
“What are you looking for?”
“I need another sock. Here’s one.”
"Don't do it!"
"Don't do what?"
"You can't make her wear mismatched socks!"
"Look, she's pissed! It doesn't matter!"
"It does matter! Don't do it!"
"What! This is ridiculous!"
"Look. As soon as you stop caring about matching socks, you LOSE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE."
Does anybody else know what I am talking about? Letting your kid run around with mismatched socks opens the gateway to all things higgledy piggledy. Pretty soon a person is walking around with their grease stained shirt tucked out, living in a house with pitted cars and kid toys out on the front lawn. (You know I can’t use the word here.)
So that’s what I’m about today. Keeping socks paired two by two and not losing control of my life. Oh, that and trying to get rid of stuff via craigslist before our big move this summer. Anybody need a 60 lb sewing machine? Or a table we once found on the side of the road? Books on philosophy? (sorry Mike) Please call for an appointment today!
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