for sushi that is. Ok and beer. These two things have never tasted so good since our baby was born, why bother with the good stuff. I now know that if you want to have the best beer you've ever tasted in your life, just don't drink any for a long long time. Try like 9 months. Even the now fermented juice in the back of your fridge will almost taste divine.
Since E’s been born, Mike and I have gone out to eat four times. Once to Sam’s Sushi in Ballard, Blue C Sushi for Valentines, and twice to Sushi Land on Queen Anne, including today for lunch - we were celebrating a film gig Mike got. Sushi Land is how it sounds. Bright florescent lights, squeaky conveyer belt and hoards of hip city kids and Japanese exchange students. (E did not take it so well the first time there. Today she was a good little dining baby and slept THE WHOLE TIME! YIPEEE!) Sam’s is the best I’ve ever had in Seattle, but Sushi Land is where you go when you want to actually get full on sushi and you are cheap like us. Sushi Land will probably make me sick one day, but for now, quantity trumps quality. Someone find me a shirt that says, I heart sushi with a picture of a tuna roll, please.
No new pictures for now – I’m still trying to figure out my brother’s digital camera that he’s lending us. So much more complicated than my “manny.” So here’s a picture of our little Baby Roll the first week we brought her home.
I don't know if quantity over quality works for beer Hyewon. I don't know about you, but one good beer gets me pretty tipsy.
Sierra and I fell on the ice and had our first emergancy room run. So scary...I don't know about bijorns anymore. We are okay, but it was terribly scary. Hope you are well and enjoying Emmy and all her new things that she is ding. What is she doing that is new?
Find me a shirt that says I Heart Baby Roll! She is so cute I want to munch on her roe toes!
Lauren, I just read your comment. How scary! I hope you & Sierra are ok. Time to leave the icy climate for a warmer one. ;)
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