The phone rang, it was Mike's dad. Though my voice remained steady, I panicked a bit when I suddenly saw the house with "in-law glasses". There is a trigger that goes off in your brain the moment you get a call from your in-laws that signals you to take a look at the state of your house (crumbs on the kitchen counter, scumb in the bathroom sink, etc) and, if time allows, get it in shape as fast as your legs will move. But he was just calling to return a call from Mike. Whew.
I hung up the phone and looked around. Our house has gone to pot. Here are the pictures to prove it.
See if you can't find the baby. (Hint: She's sleeping)
I'm sure my dear in-laws understand how it is with a new kid, but I can't help but feel that a messy house reflects poorly on ME, as a mother, wife, WOMAN, person. Can't help it. I know it's rediculous. So I cleaned house while the baby slept for an hour. (The angels rejoiced...) See, I'm grateful my in-laws live close by, it keeps my house cleaner.
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