My favorite holiday. Family, friends, food, gratitude for all the above and more. Mike’s friend, Eric, from Austin (whom I’d only met at the Pardue wedding years ago) and his wife, Paulina, invited us up to New Hampshire to spend the weekend with his family. Their amazing hospitality was such a gift after months of hard work and going it alone out here. So here are some fall-in-New England pictures as I’ve promised.

(E discovers a window at the Shire)

We spent the first night at the “Shire,” on 19 acres of New England pines and fog. It turned out that the heater was broken, so we stayed in a bedroom with a pellet stove. We (Mike, Emmy and I) went to bed around 2 am, unplugged the stove (not how you’re supposed to turn off a P stove), awoke a few minutes later when the house fire alarm went off because our room had filled up with smoke. Down to the cold but clean air basement we went and finally got some shut eye sometime after 2:30 with E suited up like an Eskimo and under 10 inches of blankets. The bog down the road was frozen over – needless to say it was very cold that night.

(view from outdoor shower)
In the morning we went to the “Cabin,” more accurately called the “Mansion Cabin,” by Paulina. The spread was beautiful and the food was the tastiest I’ve ever enjoyed for Thanksgiving. (Sorry Mom! But you are an amazing cook and the most inspiring and wonderful mother!!) E loved their dog, I loved the radiant stone floor heating and outdoor shower, Mike loved the eternally brewing coffee pot. How I wished the space was mine to have decorated it as my own. Mike and I were both taken by the beauty of NH and wonder if we'll buy a little old house there someday. Rent in the city, spend summers and holidays at our own cabin.

(Mike with E on couch - he "forgot" to bring his dobro)
This was the first Thanksgiving I didn't hear a football game playing on the TV from one of my brothers watching. After dinner was the traditional music night, where instrument clad friends as far as Vermont arrived ready to sing by the fire place. Crazy family you say? We felt right at home! We stayed the night at the cabin and were warm with a good time.

The next day we decided to head home as Mike had lots of work to do for school and a new commercial gig he scored right before we left and I have to compile audio clips for a job interview this week. We got home late last night exhausted but happy to be in our own place again. Mike had the idea of cooking another Thanksgiving meal for the three of us. "What's Thanksgiving without leftovers for days after?" he asked. Not a bad point. So at 8 o'clock in the evening we made a rice and mushroom stuffed chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, brussels sprouts, stuffing and rolls. I am so stuffed I've only managed black coffee and chocolate today - the best way to feed a food hangover.
I wish we could have personally wished each of you a happy Thanksgiving. You are lovely and we are grateful to call you our friends and family. I'm thankful to God for your lives and hope you find great joy and purpose as the year wraps up.
1 comment:
Beautifully captured in your words and pictures.
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