But ain't it the same with time? Some evenings an hour with the baby feels like an eternity. At the same time I now know why we've grown up hearing our parents say, "They grow up so fast," our whole lives. We do! And our own kid is growing so quickly I feel like I'm watching her through a time-lapse video.
Last night Mike brought home a half dozen carton of eggs from the grocery. For some reason I saw those eggs as a representation of my life with Mike. One fragile egg became 10 potential years of life together. Then he made himself a one egg omelet for a midnight snack and as fast as an egg can crack, there went a whole decade of our life. Five out six eggs is not a lot of eggs. I've eaten that many in a day before.
That Mike and I may have 50 years left together is sometimes a joyful thought. But yesterday, it seemed too short. So we ended the night with me sniffling about how short life is and how I don't ever want mine to end. I swear. How old people aren't walking around in a panic and screaming, "But I don't want to die!" is beyond me, because that's exactly how I'll be when I hit 70.
1 comment:
Gosh, this is precisely what I'm feeling when I say 100 years wouldn't be enough.
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